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University of Edinburgh Graduates' Association

Our History
The University of Edinburgh Graduates' Association was founded in 1924 as The University of Edinburgh Alumnus Association, changing to its present name after a very few years. It is made up of former students (not only graduates) of the University of Edinburgh, and its incorporated colleges (Art, Moray House), and members and former members of the University academic and related staff. Relatives of members, and others with an interest in the University or the City of Edinburgh are welcome to join, as are graduates and alumni of other universities. UEGA enables its members to maintain contact with each other, and with their alma mater, and provides the opportunities for this in the form of regular social events throughout the year, and through the publication of the University of Edinburgh Journal which is sent to all members as part of their subscription. It helps promote the welfare of the University and of its students, and maintains contact with a number of branches and affiliated clubs.
The Graduates' Association is quite distinct and separate from the General Council of the University of Edinburgh, and from Development and Alumni Services. However, much like the University of Edinburgh, we are honoured to have HRH Princess Anne as our Patron. Although not directly involved in fund-raising activities for the University, we work closely with the other two organisations in providing facilities and social events for its members and their guests. Our Executive and Editorial Committees meet in the Association's rooms at 18 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh, twice a year to manage the Association's affairs and the office is staffed by the Assistant Secretary and the Assistant Editor of the Journal. We are proud to continue a tradition of publishing in Buccleuch Place, first started by Francis Jeffrey's Edinburgh Review in 1801.
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